Borno State Information and Communication Technology Development Agency

The establishment of the Borno State Information Technology and Development Agency (BICTDA) stems from the unwavering dedication and forward-thinking vision of His Excellency Prof Baba Gana Umara Zulum CON, mni, FNSE, FNIAE, the Executive Governor of Borno State. His fervor for digitalizing the state and empowering its citizens has led to the inception of this agency, officially inaugurated on March 8th, 2024, following the passage of legislation by the Borno State House of Assembly and the appendage of signature to the BICTDA law 2024 by His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State; Prof Baba Gana Umara Zulum CON, mni, FNSE, FNIAE. Additionally, Governor Zulum appointed the Executive Secretary to spearhead the agency's initiatives.

The primary objective of the agency is to spearhead the digital transformation of Borno State, with a strong focus on capacity building among its people. Among its multifaceted responsibilities, the BICTDA is charged with formulating and executing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policies, streamlining the digitization of governmental operations and records at both state and local levels, and fostering the establishment of various digital services including e-Governance, e-Commerce, Telemedicine, e-Health, e-Agriculture, e-Learning, and e-Infrastructure throughout the state.

Moreover, the agency is mandated to promote ICT education, integrating digital skills training into the state's civil service, educational institutions, and schools. It aims to bridge the digital divide between the public and private sectors by implementing frameworks that regulate the use, development, and standardization of emerging technologies and digital service practices. Additionally, it oversees the responsible utilization of data for business analytics and intelligence purposes, while also facilitating the establishment and maintenance of robust ICT infrastructure.

BICTDA is committed to fostering a thriving digital ecosystem in Borno State by encouraging innovations, supporting start-up initiatives, and promoting digital entrepreneurship. It plays a pivotal role in coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the adoption of digital services to bolster the state's digital economy. The agency also houses a specialized Directorate for Data identity management, which is tasked with biometric data capture for various purposes, including the identification of internally displaced persons, civil servants, and local residents.

Furthermore, BICTDA undertakes the implementation of projects aimed at advancing information and communication technology, robotics, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence within the state. It serves as a trusted advisory body to the government, offering guidance on strategies to promote ICT initiatives and providing support to both public and private sectors on all matters related to information technology and digital services. Additionally, the agency serves as a software testing hub, ensuring the quality and reliability of products developed within the state.

In essence, BICTDA's role encompasses the promotion, development, regulation, and advisory functions pertaining to Information and Communication Technology in Borno State. Through the issuance of guidelines, policies, standards, and frameworks, as well as through capacity building initiatives and infrastructure provision, BICTDA endeavors to realize the objectives outlined in the Borno State ICT policy, fostering collaboration and partnerships to enhance digital knowledge and drive socioeconomic development across the state. .

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    To provide excellent ICT Services across the State, which will include but not limited to the creation of a framework for the planning, research, innovation, development, standardization, digitization, application, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and ensure secure cyber space.

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    To create and facilitate an enabling environment in which Borno State will develop and drive value from Information technology and digital economy.

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    Transparency and
    Continuous Learning
